Sunday, May 3, 2009

Benkoil: Rebuilding Media

Should community news sites should limit participation (commenting, etc.) to paid subscribers? In Rebuilding Media, Dorian Benkoil quotes Steve Outing: "free readers won’t have their voices heard," but paid subscribers can interact.

Outing then comments on the post to say that he hasn't formed a strong opinion whether charging for the right to interact is a good thing. He references Card's "Ender's Game," so I'll reference Heinlein's Methuselah's Children and the planet where a group mind makes living easy.

Benkoil is an award-winning journalist and editor and Outing writes a column for Editor & Publisher magazine. Outing quotes [Maureen Dowd quoting] Google CEO Eric Schmidt: "Incumbents very seldom invent the future," but I think a lot of smart old-school journalists are doing a good job of figuring out what comes next.

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